Normal, IL | Collins Roofing

Your Trusted Roofing Specialist in Normal, Illinois
You work hard to put a roof over your family’s head. Your roofer needs to work even harder to make sure that roof lasts long and keeps your most valuable asset protected.

Your Trusted Roofing Specialist in Normal, Illinois

Do you require a roof repair or assistance in choosing the most suitable roof installation for your home in Normal, Illinois?

As a recognized roofing company in Normal, IL, Collins Roofing provides property owners with a comprehensive approach to roof construction, installation, maintenance, and repair. We meet industry standards and employ trained and licensed roofer professionals.

Collins Roofing is experienced in handling all roofing systems. Our expert roofing contractors are available to assist you with protecting the structural integrity of your home or business property. We can even take on the stress of addressing your insurance company.

Our professional roofing contractor will:

  • Professionally diagnose your roof system and its components and provide accurate price estimates.
  • Offer expert recommendations.
  • Provide you with a complete range of roofing options and solutions that fit your needs and budget
  • Offer personalized customer service with labor and product warranties.

Please consult with our professional team of roofing experts. We are ready to help you learn more about the roof construction options that may be suitable for your property.

A Complete Line of Certified Roof Repair in Normal, IL

Once the roof starts dripping and interrupts your day-to-day activities, a Normal Roofing Contractor is what you need.

Our professional roofing services will include more than nailing down a few shingles. We can conduct a licensed roof inspection and ongoing preventative roof maintenance. We will prevent any roof issue from becoming severe so you can avoid the more considerable expense of a complete roof replacement. We always go cost-effective!

Collins Roofing is also dedicated to informing our valued customers about all the facts concerning the latest in roofing technology before they invest in the roof project.

You can expect practical information regarding the most advanced and durable roofing materials and products. This way, you can get more options and be more knowledgeable about specific products that would work well for your properties based on your structure and location.

Collins Roofing Bloomington IL
Metal Roof Collins Roofing Inc.

Services We Provide

Collins Roofing takes pride in providing unparalleled, professional roof repair in Normal, Illinois. We are adept with the experience, knowledge, and skills to adequately meet all of your roofing needs.

Our services may include:

  • Built-up roofing
  • Shingle roofing
  • Tile roofing
  • Slate roofing
  • Metal roofing
  • Tile roofing systems
  • Sheet metal roofing

In addition, when it comes to roof installation, Collins Roofing is also equipped to handle:

  • Licensed roof inspection
  • Roof estimates
  • Roof maintenance and repair
  • Re-roofing
  • Gutter installation and repair
  • Roofing vent replacement
  • Window repair and installation
  • Slate and tile roof installation and repair
  • Roof leak repair

Roof Repair

Get a good look at your roof today. You should not ignore any damages from wind, rain, snow, sleet, normal aging, and wear and tear. Any minor damages can signal more severe roof deterioration that can cause expensive repairs for you.

If you’d rather be safe than sorry, please call us. We can help you identify the problem and the proper next steps.

Roof Inspection

Our team can handle any roof inspection. We evaluate all your roof components and plan scheduled routine roof maintenance for you. You do not have to worry about your inspection costs. Having one can offer significant savings compared to the cost of complete roof restoration.

Roof Replacement

Are you dealing with a leaky roof? Call Collins Roofing now. We are a licensed and dependable roof repair ready to provide skilled roof installation for you.

Roof Cleaning

Aside from repair and installation, we make sure everything from the old roof was picked up and hauled off. When we finish the job, we ensure to clean up your property.

Roof Maintenance

With roof maintenance services, you can extend the lifespan of your home roofing system. Get our maintenance services from our qualified team of roofing specialists.

Flat rubber roof installation. Collins Roofing Inc

Need an Estimate? Get in Touch With Us Now

No matter where you may be within our service area, we will be right there to serve you with complete satisfaction. We will be glad to come out and take a look at your problem-free of charge.

Choosing a Normal Roofing Contractor  is a big decision. With us, we ensure you are making the right choice! Feel free to send us a message today.  We would love to hear from you!